A Master of Theological Studies (MTS) is a postgraduate degree that prepares students for Ministry in the church. Students who pursue this program might be pursuing a career in academic Ministry, pastoral Ministry or missional leadership. The MTS program is offered by several universities and colleges in the United States and worldwide.
The Master of Theological Studies degree is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Bible, theology, and Ministry. The maestria en teologia degree can be completed in one or two years and is offered through on-campus and online classes.
The MTS degree prepares students for a variety of ministry contexts such as pastoral Ministry, church leadership, chaplaincy, missional Ministry, Christian education and more.
Here are topics to cover in the Master of Theological Studies
Biblical interpretation
Biblical interpretation is the process of understanding what a text says and how it applies to us. It is a complex task, as there are many ways to interpret scripture, and the Bible has been translated countless times.
The process of biblical interpretation has historically been carried out by those who were considered religious authorities (priests, rabbis, ministers, etc.). However, people from other backgrounds have entered the field as well. Theologians can be seen as experts in biblical interpretation because they have studied texts and their contexts in depth.
Science and religion
The master of theology focuses on the relationship between science and religion. Basically, theological studies are concerned with the question of how we can fit our science into the framework of religious faith. Theologians are not simply interested in how science is related to religious belief and practice; they are also interested in how science may inform religious thought and vice versa.
Theology and other disciplines of inquiry, such as philosophy, have long been intertwined with philosophical questions about the nature of reality and knowledge and questions about morality and ethics. This is especially true today concerning issues such as evolution, cosmology, consciousness, etc., which call for theological reflection on issues that have traditionally been dealt with by philosophers or theologians alone.
Christian ethics
Christian ethics studies the principles, norms and values of Christian ethics. The study of Christian ethics is important for Christians because it helps them understand their faith and how to live it out in the world.
Christian ethics deals with how christians should think about issues such as marriage, sexuality, family life, church-state relations and more. With its focus on God’s law (the Ten Commandments), biblical teachings about sin, human nature, grace and love for enemies, and divine revelation through scripture, christian ethics is concerned with right and wrong behavior – not just right or wrong beliefs.
Ecclesiastical history
Master in Theology also covers ecclesiastical history, the course of which embraces the period from the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 to A.D. 1370 and is a subject of great importance, both as regards its intrinsic value and its historical value. The church in this period was not only a Christian community but also a Jewish community. While it retained many Jewish characteristics, it also had some christian characteristics. The ecclesiastical history thus becomes an important study for all who wish to understand the inner workings of the church at that time.
New testament studies
In this course, students will study the teachings of Jesus Christ, the son of God, who was born to Mary in Bethlehem. Students will learn about the life of Jesus, his disciples, and his teachings. They will study why Jesus came to us, what he taught us, and how we can apply these teachings in our own lives today.
Hebrew bible studies
This course will study the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament) and its interpretation, emphasising how biblical texts are understood today. The course will also explore how the Hebrew Bible has been used in Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions and its impact on culture and society.
The course will begin with an introduction to the Hebrew Bible and its historical context. Students will learn about different genres of biblical literature (prophecy, law, narrative). They will also explore violence, social justice and political freedom themes. Students will be asked to compare and contrast texts from different periods of history and aspects of their historical background. Students may also focus on one particular genre or topic of interest within the course.
Key Takeaway
The Master of Theological Studies Program is designed for those who have studied substantially and have already earned a degree in Ministry. If you have already completed your coursework and are interested in pursuing a more advanced degree, you may be eligible to apply.